Why People Leave Your Personal Trainer Website?




Having your own website is imperative no matter what industry you’re in. Even for the Personal Trainer App Development, you need a website. In this post, we cover the top 5 reasons why your website traffic doesn’t convert to clients. (We have a more detailed article covering the top 10 reasons you can find here).

Are you looking for a rise in your online business?

Amit Gaurav is the man for the job. As one of the best Digital Marketing Consultant with many years of experience and successful clientele, he will take your website to another level with more quality lead, traffic, better ranking, and customized advice for better leads. He is also one of the best SEO Expert in Delhi India.


  1. Bad Copy

This is the textual content on your personal trainer website. It needs to talk about how and why your service as the personal trainer is the solution to their problems.


  1. Outdated Design

Your first chance of creating the first impression through your website. Especially with personal training being such a visually motivated and competitive industry, your website needs to instil trust in potential clients.


  1. Hard-to-read Content

You can write the most compelling copy but if it’s not legible, it won’t matter. Make sure the font and colours you use through the texts are consistent throughout the website.


  1. Auto-Play Videos

Do not have a video playing automatically the moment a visitor lands on your page. Leave the visitors the option of choosing by putting a manual button.


  1. Confusing Navigation

For a personal trainer website or app in the fitness industry, you don’t need a  Mobile App Development Company to figure things out. It’s important to have simple navigation and easy-to-find options. A well-organised, easy-to-use website will go a long way in making you more memorable in the mind of the potential client.

Want to read more in-depth and detailed content? Check out this article about the Top 10 Reasons Visitors Leave Your website and how you can stop it.  

Marketing Hacks for Personal Trainers




As of 2015, according to an IBISWorld research, the personal training industry employs 259,029 people and includes 60,704 businesses.

Whether you’re new to the personal training industry or an expert, the right marketing can boost your business unlike anything. While you can go for a Mobile App Development company, you can also navigate it yourself. Here we glance at the top 5 marketing hacks for your personal training business.

(We have a more detailed list of top 15 hacks here if you want to skip straight there).


  1. Following Up on Inactive Leads

The first thing to do is to follow up on the leads that were once hot, but have been inactive since. The key is to re-establish a rapport without trying to sell yourself.


  1. Making Some Calls

In a world gone automated, human connection is rare and very special. Picking up the phone to call a potential client in-person is not only powerful but also effective.


  1. Including Data in Headlines

According to research by Conductor, headlines that include data are clicked on twice more than headlines with just text. Bump that even higher by including [brackets], as per a study by Outbrain.


  1. Finding Niche Groups

​Find out where your potential clients are and engage them there. Facebook groups, Meetup groups and local, interest-based forums and communities are a great way to do that.


  1. Expanding on the Guaranteed Winners

You know which your most popular blog post is? Take that content and make it into a video series. As people have already expressed their interest in Personal Trainer Management App , it is guaranteed to be a hit.


While these are just the tip of the iceberg, they are important steps to implement in your marketing plan.

Are you looking for a rise in your online business?

Amit Gaurav is the man for the job. As one of the best Digital Marketing Consultant with many years of experience and successful clientele, he will take your website to another level with more quality lead, traffic, better ranking, and customized advice for better leads. He is also one of the best SEO Expert in Delhi India.

10 Most Common Mobile App Development Myths



With over 2.7 billion smartphone users across the world, the mobile app industry is thriving. However, Android app development companies don’t want the users disbelieving certain myths of the industry. Here, we highlight the 10 most common myths about mobile app development.


  1. Custom Mobile App Development costs are expensive

Not true. The most basic off-the-shelf apps have hidden costs. With all the recurrent updates, custom app development would actually save more in the long run.

  1. Porting isn’t hard

Porting is not easy. It is a thorough process that needs both time and effort.

  1. A bug-free app is possible

It is the developer’s mirage. There hasn’t been a single program written that has zero error.  

  1. Changes can be implemented at any stage with Agile Development

Making changes once the project has already begun can be a hindrance that leads to increased costs.

  1. More members in team means equals faster results

Unlike traditional production cycles, software development does not work quicker with more members in the team.

  1. The app is done after release

That’s a myth! The testers, developers, and support managers have only graduated to another phase of the process.

  1. App store optimization will increase traffic

With over 3.8 million apps in the Android App Store and 2 million apps in the iOS App Store, optimisation alone will not attract traffic.

  1. More features means better app

Not true! An app with too many features usually ends up being bloated, unresponsive, prone to too many memory hogs, and a disaster for functional issues.

  1. Native app development is the best

While native mobile application does provide the best mobile experience, in some cases, it might prove to be a bad choice.

  1. iOS is the priority

This is determined by your target audience and what they use.


Are you looking for a rise in your online business?

Amit Gaurav is the man for the job. As one of the best Digital Marketing Consultant with many years of experience and successful clientele, he will take your website to another level with more quality lead, traffic, better ranking, and customized advice for better leads. He is also one of the best SEO Expert in Delhi India.